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Veg Item. Jain maggi. Costs: 120 rupees, Description: A delightful vegetarian rendition of the popular Maggi dish, Jain Maggi is a mouthwatering creation that is sure to satisfy your cravings. Swipe right to add item to cart.

Veg Item. Peri peri maggi. Costs: 160 rupees, Description: A spicy sensation where the fiery kick of peri peri seasoning transforms classic Maggi into a bold and flavorful adventure, leaving your taste buds tingling with delight. Swipe right to add item to cart.


Veg Item. Plain maggi. Costs: 110 rupees, Description: A simple and flavorful vegetarian option that brings out the delightful essence of Maggi noodles. Swipe right to add item to cart.

Veg Item. Vegetable maggi. Costs: 125 rupees, Description: Savor the delightful blend of tender Maggi noodles with a medley of crisp carrots, succulent peas, and aromatic onions, all generously topped with a luscious cheese sauce infused with the smoky kick of chipotle. A harmonious fusion of textures and flavors that will tantalize your taste buds. Swipe right to add item to cart.


Veg Item. Paneer maggi. Costs: 140 rupees, Description: Indulge in the exquisite fusion of Paneer Maggi, where golden-crisp cubes of paneer are delicately fried to perfection, mingling with the sweet pop of corn. Elevate the experience with a tantalizing blend of fresh coriander and fiery chili, adding an extra layer of spicy allure to this aromatic and crispy delight. Swipe right to add item to cart.


Veg Item. Cheese maggi. Costs: 125 rupees, Description: Experience the ultimate comfort with Cheese Maggi, where a rich symphony of two delectable cheeses melds seamlessly with the comforting embrace of Maggi noodles. Elevate the flavor profile with a drizzle of chipotle sauce, infusing a spicy kick that harmonizes perfectly with the creamy, cheesy goodness. Swipe right to add item to cart.


Veg Item. Atta noodles. Costs: 130 rupees, Description: Delight in the wholesome goodness of Atta Noodles, where the earthy essence of whole wheat noodles is complemented by the sweetness of peas, the freshness of coriander, and the aromatic touch of onions. Swipe right to add item to cart.


Veg Item. Schezwan Maggi. Costs: 170 rupees, Description: A fiery twist on the classic, where the bold flavors of Schezwan sauce elevate every strand of noodles for a spicy and satisfying experience. Swipe right to add item to cart.

Veg Item. Chilli cheese. Costs: 130 rupees, Description: Indulge in the perfect fusion of spiciness and creaminess, as Maggi noodles embrace the zing of chilli and the richness of melted cheese. A delectable marriage of flavors that ignites your taste buds with every comforting bite. Swipe right to add item to cart.


Veg Item. Barbeque maggi. Costs: 180 rupees, Description: Immerse yourself in the smoky symphony of flavors, where Maggi noodles embrace the essence of barbecue. Each strand is infused with a tantalizing blend of grilled goodness, delivering a savory and satisfying experience that captures the essence of a delightful barbecue feast. Swipe right to add item to cart.


Veg Item. Cheetos cheese. Costs: 190 rupees, Swipe right to add item to cart.

Veg Item. Paneer corn. Costs: 190 rupees, Description: Experience the perfect harmony of textures and flavors with the richness of paneer, the sweetness of corn, and the creaminess of melted cheese. This indulgent Maggi variation brings together the essence of comfort and sophistication, creating a delightful fusion that satisfies both the palate and the soul. Swipe right to add item to cart.
